Enjoy the lake and sunny days to introduce your children and teens to sailing. A unique activity in open air on the lake Geneva.

Our team of certified instructors strives to share their passion for sailing. Future sailors will learn as a crew to recognize the winds, adjust the sails and operate a sailboat in a safe environment.

By mixing animation and imagination with learning, children discover the world of sailing with pleasure, together.​

Our sailing practice includes respect for others, the environment and the preservation of the lake.

Our courses start and end at the port des Pâquis and no prior knowledge of sailing is required, nor swimming.
If the weather is not suitable for sailing, lessons still take place and other activities linked to navigation are organized, such as nautical knots.

Sailing camp, for teens!

Within a crew of 5 teenagers max., the future captains will learn the basics of sailing a sailboat or reinforce their skills, and learn about the specificities of Lake Leman, sharing the values of respect, equality and helping each other. In French and/or English, depending on the participants.

All Rights Reserved. © Geneva Sailing School 2020 Photo Credits

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